Yuzu is a Japanese miracle fruit.


Yuzu is probably known to connoisseurs of Japanese cuisine. However, in recent years, the fruit has become increasingly popular around the world.

Yuzu is a citrus native to ancient China. It is a hybrid of mandarin and Ichang papeda. A little later, thanks to the monks, he got to Japan. The fruit outwardly resembles a small grapefruit with a wrinkled peel. 

In flavor yuzu took the best of lemon, grapefruit and tangerine. The fruit is several times more acidic than lemon, very tart, and has floral and piney notes.

The benefits of yuzu make it even more attractive for cooking. The fruit is rich in vitamins A, C, B1, B2, phosphorus, calcium, potassium. It helps strengthen immunity, normalizes digestion and prevents the development of heart disease. 

Originally, yuzu began to be used in Japanese cuisine. Now this exotic fruit has been adopted by chefs from all over the world. All this is due to its unusual flavor, which gives dishes a special zest.

Yuzu is used in sauces, meat and seafood, salad dressings, cocktails, tonic drinks, and desserts. Ponzu, ramen, marmalade, kosho pasta - all these dishes, according to famous chefs, simply cannot be imagined without yuzu. 

In the Korean Republic, the juice of the fruit is added to wine and tea. In Scandinavian countries, yuzu is used to flavor beer and cider.

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