Tamarind is a delicious surprise in a humble shell


Tamarind, or "Indian date" is a tropical fruit native to East Africa. Today, tamarind trees grow in many Asian countries, Mexico and South America.

The fruit is mainly used in Asian cuisine. In Russia, the popularity of tamarind is only gaining momentum. Why this exotic product is only increasing its popularity, we tell you in our publication.

What tamarind looks like and what it tastes like

The tamarind fruit grows on a tree of the same name in the legume family and has the form of curved pods similar to beans. Inside is a bright burgundy-colored pulp with pips.

Tamarind is not called "Indian date" for nothing: in its appearance and taste it really resembles a date, but not so sweet. Ripe fruit tastes like apricots combined with prunes.


Benefits of tamarind

Tamarind improves the cardiovascular system, strengthens blood vessels, normalizes the hormonal background and has a positive effect on the sexual system.  It has long been used to treat various intestinal disorders and stomach ulcers.

"Indian date" stimulates the appetite and digestive process, increases the level of serotonin, and therefore improves mood and helps the body to burn fat.

This delicious fruit has calcium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, sodium and ascorbic acid that revitalize our body.


What to make with tamarind

Tamarind is eaten fresh, dried and candied. Mature and immature tamarind fruits are used in cooking. The green immature fruits, which are more acidic, are used for spicy Asian dishes. The sweet ripe ones are used as a condiment for sauces, spices, drinks and sweets. 

Indian chefs add tamarind pulp to traditional spicy vegetable and lentil soup. The exotic fruit is also present in the classic recipe of the popular Thai dish pad thai. And one of the most famous tamarind products in Europe is Worcester sauce.

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