
Basic Emphases of Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition | CHECK LIST
Basic Emphases of Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition | CHECK LIST
Storage in the kitchen: the best ideas for organizing the space
Storage in the kitchen: the best ideas for organizing the space

Whether your kitchen is large or small, there is never enough space for all your kitchen utensils and accessories. You can get rid of this problem by using kitchen storage ideas that not only help you keep order, but also save a lot of valuable space. The proposed material considers options for rational use of space in the kitchen, practical and available for reproduction.

How to save time in the kitchen: 10 useful tips
How to save time in the kitchen: 10 useful tips

There seems to be an obvious answer to the question of how to save time in the kitchen: not cooking at all. However, despite the abundance of food delivery services, many people still prefer home-cooked meals to ready-made restaurant meals. The explanation is simple.

How do you defrost meat properly?
How do you defrost meat properly?

Probably every housewife has defrosted meat countless times in her life. Moreover, there are many ways to do it: using cold water, microwave oven or the top shelf of the refrigerator. Which method copes with the task better than the others, and which ones are better to forget...

How to store plastic containers: 12 great ideas
How to store plastic containers: 12 great ideas

Food containers tend to make a mess in the kitchen! These ideas will help you organize your plastic containers neatly and conveniently.

How to quickly clean the kitchen: the order of actions
How to quickly clean the kitchen: the order of actions

Step-by-step plan how to quickly and easily make a weekly cleaning in the kitchen.

How to clean grease in the kitchen: 6 most effective ways
How to clean grease in the kitchen: 6 most effective ways

Modern remedies and folk methods that best help to clean grease from kitchen surfaces.

7 tips for cluttering up a small kitchen
7 tips for cluttering up a small kitchen

It's harder to keep things organized in a small kitchen than in a spacious one! These tips will help you organize your storage more efficiently.

50 very useful kitchen tips
50 very useful kitchen tips

You know all those useful kitchen tips that older people are so eager to share with the younger generation? These little tips and tricks might be called "kitchen hacks" these days, but they're still good old fashioned bits of wisdom. As with any grandmother's tales, secrets and advice, your experience may vary. Some of these pearls have survived several generations - and judging by the feedback from grandmothers, they really work.

100 Life Skills that will make your cooking life even tastier and simpler
100 Life Skills that will make your cooking life even tastier and simpler

In a new review, look for a useful compilation of the top 100 culinary cooking lifehacks that are sure to come in handy in the kitchen.

Nutrition - energy - immunity
Nutrition - energy - immunity

Good health, high energy levels and a strong immune system are directly dependent on nutrition. It is the foundation that everyone needs to build a beautiful body and improve the functioning of all body systems.

Coffee in a healthy diet: To drink or not to drink?
Coffee in a healthy diet: To drink or not to drink?

Since its discovery - around 900 AD - coffee has been the subject of an incredible number of myths. Today, the data about it continues to be updated, but it is still unclear whether coffee has more benefits or harms. There is information that this drink reduces the risk of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, protects brain cells from aging and is an inhibitor of the mTOR gene, which prolongs life. So far - only in lab animals, but who knows! At the same time, coffee speeds up heart rate, leads to pressure fluctuations, can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis, increase "bad" cholesterol (with regular use of more than 5 cups a day) and disrupt sleep, which is very important for controlling appetite and preserving youthful skin. At the same time, nutritionists believe that moderate coffee consumption does not contradict the basic principles of good nutrition, and the decision whether to drink it or not is a matter of personal choice.

Bacon in the cuisines of different countries
Bacon in the cuisines of different countries

Tender, juicy and crispy... In the modern world, the special flavor of bacon has become a faithful companion of various dishes - from the familiar scrambled eggs to unusual desserts. We propose to go on a culinary journey and get acquainted with the traditions of various countries, in the cuisines of which this delicious pork meat is actively used.

Fruitarianism by all rules
Fruitarianism by all rules

Fruits and berries (the same fruit, but smaller in size) are a treasure trove of flavor and benefits. They are rich in vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants, fiber, fruit acids and pectin. According to WHO recommendations, an adult should eat an average of 200 g of fruit per day. Let's find out how to get the maximum benefit from them and not to harm the body.

Elimination diet - what it is, list of products, example menu
Elimination diet - what it is, list of products, example menu

Imagine a situation: a person wants to lose weight. He starts counting calories and exercising regularly. Everything seems to be going well, the trainer is satisfied and advises him to switch to protein shakes. After two or three weeks, the weight starts to creep up, swellings appear, and the newly appeared vivacity disappears along with the bright thoughts about the new shape... "Bad shakes?" you ask. "Egg white intolerance," the lab will answer.

Which cooking methods are healthy
Which cooking methods are healthy

Cooking is a very important aspect that nutritionists pay a lot of attention to.

The method of cooking a dish depends not only on its caloric content, but also on the extent to which the original amount of nutrients can be preserved.

Where to look for vitamin C
Where to look for vitamin C

In the fight against colds, our main ally is vitamin C (ascorbic acid). It allows you to support the immune system, so that it can respond in time to the external threat from viruses and bacteria. In the body, unfortunately, ascorbic acid is contained only in small quantities, and its importance is very great. The reserve must be replenished, since human cells cannot synthesize vitamin C on their own.

What tomatoes are good for
What tomatoes are good for

Tomatoes are among the most popular vegetables - and for good reason.
"Tomato" goes back to the Aztec name of the plant "tomatl". 

Tomato is one of the most popular ingredients in vegetable salads. However, stewed and canned tomatoes and tomato juice are no less delicious and useful. The unique property of tomatoes is to retain their qualities even after processing. In addition, the caloric content of the product is only 20 kcal per 100 g, which makes it even more attractive. 

Strengthen bones: top 5 foods rich in calcium
Strengthen bones: top 5 foods rich in calcium

The best food sources of this important mineral.

According to the norms, adults need to consume 1000 mg of calcium per day, and the elderly (after 60 years) - 1200 mg per day. However, getting calcium and assimilating it are not the same thing. Calcium is metabolized with the help of other nutrients: protein and vitamin D. Without them, you may suffer from calcium deficiency, even formally covering the calcium allowance.

Risk area: sweet, fatty, salty foods
Risk area: sweet, fatty, salty foods

Why do "unhealthy" foods often seem the most delicious?
When we are upset, anxious or tired, we often feel the urge to eat "something tasty".

How to start taking care of yourself and switching to a healthy diet: 5 steps
How to start taking care of yourself and switching to a healthy diet: 5 steps

Want to make the switch to healthy eating but don't know where to start? We can tell you. 
Food should be a source of energy and health, not extra weight. Here are some simple tips to help make eating healthier:

How to reduce salt and sugar intake
How to reduce salt and sugar intake

Salt or sodium is found in small amounts in most foods - a little more in animal foods, a little less in plant foods. More often than not, people get much more sodium than they need, mostly in the form of table salt. Its average consumption is 12-14 g per person per day.

It is recommended to limit sodium intake to 2000 mg per day, which corresponds to about 5 g of table salt (1 teaspoon). In some cases, a stricter restriction is required.

Healthy nutrition for schoolchildren: a diet for successful learning
Healthy nutrition for schoolchildren: a diet for successful learning

How to make a menu for students: expert recommendations.

Nutrition should fully meet human needs in energy, food and biologically active substances. For schoolchildren, a carefully thought-out diet is especially important, as it is food that first of all creates the conditions for intellectual and physical development, supports immunity and protects against diseases.

Garlic is a natural immunomodulator
Garlic is a natural immunomodulator

Garlic is one of the oldest crops that people began to use in cooking and medicine. Four thousand years ago it was cultivated in Central Asia, Iran and Pakistan. It was an obligatory product in the diet of the ancient Egyptians. It was also fed to slaves engaged in hard labor to give them strength and prevent diseases. During the excavation of the ancient tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, garlic heads were found.

Foods that increase hunger
Foods that increase hunger

Have you just recently eaten, but you feel like snacking again? Perhaps foods that tend to aggravate hunger are to blame.

Child's immunity: how to strengthen
Child's immunity: how to strengthen

Frequent colds can prevent a student from learning new things. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system.

The warm summer is over, replaced by fall - with winds, rain, slush and sudden weather changes. Very soon, seasonal diseases will begin to increase. The most vulnerable during this period are children of preschool and school age, as their immunity is just gaining strength. To make the natural "defender" of the body was strong, it must be helped.

Carbohydrates in the diet. Who, why and how much?
Carbohydrates in the diet. Who, why and how much?

Carbohydrates provide the body with energy, but they come in many forms.

Carbohydrates are a key source of energy in the human body, with just 1 g of them providing 4 kcal of energy. When carbohydrates are broken down in the body, glucose is formed, it is extremely important for the preservation of tissue protein, fat metabolism and central nervous system nutrition.

Basics of good nutrition
Basics of good nutrition

What a person needs for a happy, carefree, bright and long life? Health, of course. In Europe, people in retirement are becoming more active, now they have free time to travel and enjoy life in peace. But how can you enjoy it if your health is no longer the same? If the general condition is so bad that you do not want anything in life.

Madeleine Gesta's diet: youthful soups and salads
Madeleine Gesta's diet: youthful soups and salads

Tired of sitting on ineffective diets that bring nothing but disappointment? Play the "gastronomic game" from French nutritionist Madeleine Gesta! Let you not be confused by the word "diet" in the name of the program. Its creator assures that this is a fascinating journey into the world of delicious food.

How to get the most out of tea
How to get the most out of tea

Most of the beneficial properties of green tea are due to the fact that the leaves of this plant contain many water-soluble polyphenols - catechins. Their benefits extend to almost all human organ systems. They protect the cardiovascular and nervous systems, liver, prevent the development of obesity, diabetes, malignant tumors. And in combination with other anti-cancer substances, catechins give a synergistic effect. For example, curcumin (found in turmeric) and green tea catechins enhance each other's action in colon and laryngeal cancer cells. The combination of catechins and vanilloids in chillies results in their synergy in the prevention of various cancers. One study found that in a 25:1 ratio, catechins and vanilloids killed cancer cells 100 times more effectively than green tea alone.

Dill, parsley, basil: how to prepare different greens correctly
Dill, parsley, basil: how to prepare different greens correctly

If you are adding fresh herbs to your dishes, make sure you prepare them properly. Of course, you can take a large knife and finely chop the greens to the desired size. But you run the risk of crumpling the greens or throwing out the perfectly edible and healthy parts, the "tops and roots". So here's a guide to slicing greens.

You can't properly chop greens until they've been washed and completely dried. This is very important. Even slightly wet greens turn into a mess when you chop them. Fill a bowl with cold water and gently dip the bunch into the water. Any dirt will settle to the bottom and the greens will float. Take it out, place it in a special drying rack for the greens, or shake it gently. Almost done.

Yuzu is a Japanese miracle fruit.
Yuzu is a Japanese miracle fruit.

Yuzu is probably known to connoisseurs of Japanese cuisine. However, in recent years, the fruit has become increasingly popular around the world.

What are the benefits of mango and how much of it can you eat per day? Answered by a nutritionist
What are the benefits of mango and how much of it can you eat per day? Answered by a nutritionist

"Mango is not a familiar fruit for most of us, but lately it has been appearing more and more often in shoppers' grocery baskets. And this is very good: after all, the product has not only a sweet taste, but also a lot of useful properties. Let's find out how much of it we can eat per day".

Top 7 strange gastronomic rituals
Top 7 strange gastronomic rituals

You don't have to be a crazy explorer at all to realize that the world is a pretty strange place. There are hundreds of different cultures living in all corners of our planet, with their own traditions and sometimes bizarre rituals. This is especially true when it comes to food: many peoples have their own bizarre culinary traditions, stemming either from their religion or other circumstances that we don't get to live with. 

Tamarind is a delicious surprise in a humble shell
Tamarind is a delicious surprise in a humble shell

Tamarind, or "Indian date" is a tropical fruit native to East Africa. Today, tamarind trees grow in many Asian countries, Mexico and South America.

How to beat food addiction
How to beat food addiction

Food is one of the easiest ways to "praise" ourselves for achievements or to "celebrate" a good mood. We also look to food for support when we feel bad - it's a way to "get out of the hole".

8 myths about healthy eating that it's time to stop believing in
8 myths about healthy eating that it's time to stop believing in

This is an exaggeration. Cooking salt, which is used in every kitchen, consists of two elements: chlorine and sodium. They play an important role in the metabolic processes of the body: they maintain fluid balance and blood pressure, are responsible for the work of nerves and muscles. Therefore, a healthy person should not rush to extremes and self-appoint a salt-free diet. Such a diet is a temporary measure prescribed to people with certain diagnoses. For example, a sharp restriction of salt to 0.05-0.10 oz per day is prescribed to patients with chronic kidney disease, and the exact period of abstinence is determined by a doctor on the basis of tests.

Chicken eggs or quail eggs? A nutritionist tells us which eggs are healthier
Chicken eggs or quail eggs? A nutritionist tells us which eggs are healthier

"The egg is not just a popular ingredient in many dishes, but also a treasure trove of nutrients. For many years, this product has been the object of conflicting opinions among nutritionists. The reason is simple - because of its cholesterol content. However, many agree that it is an indispensable source of many vitamins, minerals and other beneficial components."

Ten recipes of non-alcoholic cocktails for the holiday table
Ten recipes of non-alcoholic cocktails for the holiday table

If you love making delicious drinks at home, including non-alcoholic drinks, then this selection is for you! There are many ways to serve cocktails that do not contain alcohol. You don't necessarily have to limit yourself to juice or compote, for example. You can create your own cocktail list, and treat your guests to simple, but very cool drinks. Some cocktails will even appeal to children. Interesting? Then memorize them!

We have collected 10 variants for you, from classic to author's cocktails, which we recommend you to try. Without special bartending tools, without complicated ingredients and processes - you will be able to repeat any recipe from the first time! 

Is it possible to lose weight on shakes? 7 variants of drink preparation
Is it possible to lose weight on shakes? 7 variants of drink preparation

Although there is no magic drink for weight loss, some do keep you feeling satiated longer, which can help you consume fewer calories throughout the day. If you're trying to lose excess weight, you can focus on moving more, reviewing your diet and including the drinks you consume. After all, everything you drink, just like what you eat, has calories.

These three plants relieve inflammation and pain better than medicines
These three plants relieve inflammation and pain better than medicines

Take note of the three most powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic plants. They are more effective than many pharmacy drugs and have no side effects (if consumed in reasonable quantities, like any product). This information is especially useful for those who often have to take anti-inflammatory or pain medications to lower their temperature, relieve joint pain, and the like. After all, even the most seemingly harmless drugs have serious side effects for the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and heart.

Soy sauce
Soy sauce

Soy sauce, made according to the canonical recipe, consists only of soy, wheat flour, providing fermentation, salt, water. Making this product is a long process. It is prepared by natural fermentation for several weeks or months. The aged product is subjected to pasteurization during industrial production.

Rare and exotic types of vegetable oils
Rare and exotic types of vegetable oils

As a rule, in our daily diet we use only a few types of vegetable oils that are traditional for our cuisine. Sunflower, olive and mustard – this list usually exhausts the gastronomic delights of Russians. However, enterprises also produce other types of vegetable oils. Scientists and technologists of the food industry are working on expanding product lines in 2020. In the confectionery industry, in the production of ice cream, baby food, snacks, today they are striving to completely replace palm oil with healthy nut varieties.

How does the heat treatment of vegetables affect the vitamin content?
How does the heat treatment of vegetables affect the vitamin content?

Indeed, different cooking methods change the nutrient composition of fruits and vegetables, but this is not always a bad thing. Some studies show that, although heat treatment of products may lead to degradation of some nutrients, the availability of others may increase.

Beans: the food of the future
Beans: the food of the future

Legumes — beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils — are the cornerstone of any healthy diet. They have unique properties, such as anti-cancer.

In this article I want to share some interesting facts, which were told by McGreevy, the head of the American Bean Association (the American Pulse Association).